Benefits for Streaming Providers
What benefits does this bring for streaming service providers who adopt a CMAF based origin, such as StreamBuilder?
- The amount of processing of media fragments throughout the ingest, storage, repackaging and encryption chain is reduced, resulting in a lower overall systems footprint for a given set of devices to be supported.
- For OPEX sensitive businesses, the reduced compute requirements translate directly to operational cost savings. A StreamBuilder deployment is typically very dense compared to competing solutions.
- The amount of storage space for timeshift TV, catchup TV, nDVR and VoD is much reduced as only one copy of every encoding profile is to be stored, regardless of the streaming protocol and of the encryption algorithm.
- Content that is ingested to StreamBuilder is stored in a format which will be recognised by a wide variety of players and even by third party origin servers, should you decide not to use StreamBuilder in future. Zero lock-in with no significant content library migration / reprocessing required.
- As an Open Standard-based format, CMAF offers the flexibility to be ready to support future new delivery formats when they start to be popular.