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Book a demo

Are you looking for next-generation CDN and CDN management solutions? Do you want to create online TV services such as FAST or virtual channels?

Experience our latest cloud-based technologies designed to elevate your TV delivery. As part of Agile Content, we have integrated and developed the Edgeware technology into Agile Content’s product suites and the Agile TV Platform. Sign up for a live demo.

  • FAST & VOD-to-Live Learn how to easily generate free ad-supported streaming TV (FAST) channels by stitching them together from pre-encoded content, avoiding the typically costly approach of creating online TV channels by having to transcode them multiple times into different multi-bitrate OTT formats.
  • Agile Delivery Our next-generation CDN and CDN management product suite is designed and built to deliver video content not just as best-effort traffic but as a service that helps you deliver high-quality content streaming without buffering, delays or glitches.
  • Agile Experience Our next-generation framework for consuming content is a key component of the Agile TV platform. The CMS and subscriber engagement platform lets you adopt a super-aggregation strategy to deliver the best possible viewer experience.

Want to learn more? Then fill in the form below to book in a demo and we’ll be in touch.

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